Grace Makosewe doesn't read this site - she's more of a twitter person - so I don't risk feeding her whatchamacallit? by saying she is one of the most beautiful women I know
She's *insert all nice adjectives* - meaning everyone will find at least one thing to like about her, which is a big reason I love the lass more than a free rib dinner, OK..and erm. this;)
So why the jizzfest about this lass, Makosewe?
Because not only is she beautiful on the outside but also on the inside. Grace is a great champion of charitable causes having hosted events to raise funds to support charitable causes e.g The Fashion High Tea event in Feb 2011 which raised money to pay hospital bills for new mothers at Pumwani Hospital. Grace also supports the Angel Center for Abandoned Children, hone in Limuru, Kenya. Grace along with PZcussons and the Ida Odinga trust delivered 1.2million worth of Sanitary Towels to young girls in poor schools. Most recently, she initiated a social media cause called #PADBANK which is aimed at raising Sanitary Towels on social media for impoverished children with a concert.
Everybody is trying to say something important on social media, at work, sijui nini, sijui nini but very few are trying to do something important like Grace does.
As long as I have outed myself as 'having it' for Makosewe, it seems only sensible to send her a link to this
Anybody can have a blog and post how they penda this mamaa and whatnot. I did it just now, and I want to do it again and again. Maybe, at some point, I can even manage to do it without all this self - referential - belly - aching
But I'm also going to take my friend's advice and make a sandwich or mac and cheese... I'm going to post this and rent a soap opera, watch it with Makosewe and pretend to be that
Before I got to know her ( Google), I thought she was an astronaut's wife lakini she is a really special person ( Google again )
Urm.. don't want to risk a restraining order so.....the END