Monday, 25 July 2011

morning breath

i love kisses, but when i wake up i don't want to share my morning breath with anyone.I don't want you to share your breath with me!She always wanted to kiss me 'good morning' but when i gave her lip,she'd give tongue back so i made her sleep with gum soaking under her tongue & ever since I always want to wake up to morning breath

morning breath

i love kisses, but when i wake up i don't want to share my morning breath with anyone.I don't want you to share your breath with me!She always wanted to kiss me 'good morning' but when i gave her lip,she'd give tongue back so i made her sleep with gum soaking under her tongue & ever since I always want to wake up to morning breath

Hey send me a pic ;) Girl: Ok...promise you won't show any one? Boy: I promise I won't.. Friends: DAAAAAMNNN!

yes,most o ya'll have done this.Women! never make sex tapes or let yo' boyfriends take nude photos o you(although I'm a fan o Kim Kard and Ray J's work)I almost did it yesternight,but in my defence she's a radio presenter(yep!!she came with the body too,sio voice pekee!!)still,it's the worst thing you could do#WORST
WebRepOverall rating

the simpler times

when we didn't know what cholesterol was,when there was one computer in the whole school & only the nerds or the creepy teacher & the one with no wife were the ones that could use it.When windows were something you look out of & an apple grew on a tree and the weed was something you took on the tree, Simpler times when i didnt have an i pod with30 000 songs ,I had a nintendo that i had to blow on the cartridge to get it to work,when everyone over 30 was ugly,there were no milfs or cougars just chicken heads,when a 4 hour erection wasnt a side effect it was something to be proud of...ahhhh the simpler times.Get a beer and reminisce on the simpler times